Using our purchasing power to reshape the pathways to open employment
QUT is committed to doing business with ethically, environmentally, and socially responsible suppliers to generate social benefits, particularly employment.
In September 2020, QUT entered into an arrangement with Jigsaw Australia for document digitisation services. That means that rather than store information / files in hard copy, you can work with Jigsaw to digitalise these, and keep the files electronically instead.
Jigsaw is a social enterprise that trains people with a disability and transitions them into award wage employment.
Recently Strategic Procurement teamed up with LETS eMedia Production Services to create a video that showcases the work of Jigsaw. To hear firsthand how Jigsaw is impacting trainees that access their services, watch the video above.
You can learn more about our agreement with Jigsaw and how to access their services on the business services purchasing page.
Source: QUT Procurement Newsletter, May 2021
Music attribution details: Epidemic Sound | gettyimages (Agreement PA 21-22)
From Here On Out (Artist: Got Happy) | Summer Trip (Artist: Felix Jahansson Carne) | Mountain (Artist: Twelwe)