Search for tag: "communication"

Closing Remarks: OAR Conference 2013

Professor Tom Cochrane, Deputy Vice Chancellor [Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support] closes the Open Access and Research Conference for 2013. Alternative title: Open Access and…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Studies of Emotions and Affect Lab

In this podcast Associate Professor Alberto Bellocchi discusses the studies of emotions and affect in classroom contexts. He explains the importance of uncovering and unraveling the complexities of…

Owner  Bronwyn Ewing 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Prof. Don Schultz - Is There a Theory of IMC? [AMN401]

Professor Emeritus Don Schultz of Northwestern University (USA) answers the question: "Is there a theory of IMC?" QUT Business School, January 2018. Creator(s): Professor Gayle Kerr (QUT…

Owner  Gayle Kerr 0 likes 198 plays 0  

Session 4, Part 2: Research Networks and Metrics (Pat Loria) - OAR Conference 2013

In Part 2 of Session 4, Pat Loria [Charles Sturt University] discusses Altmetrics as Indicators of Public Impact. His presentation explores the new alternative impact metrics, called…

Owner  G-Library Administrators 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Session 4, Part 1: Research Networks and Metrics (Dr Cameron Neylon) - OAR Conference 2013

Session 4, Part 1 of the Open Access and Research Conference 2013 focuses on Research Networks and Metrics. Dr Cameron Neylon [Public Library of Science, United Kingdom] presents on for Network Ready…

Owner  G-Inactive (System) 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Session 8: Open Access Publishing - OAR Conference 2013

Day 2 of the Open Access Research and Conference 2013 focuses on Open Data, Open Innovation and Open Publishing. In Session 8, Open Access Publishing, Dr Lucy Montgomery introduces Knowledge…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Session 7: Open Innovation - OAR Conference 2013

Day 2 of the Open Access and Research Conference 2013 focuses on Open Data, Open Innovation and Open Publishing. In Session 7: Open Innovation, Prof Richard Jefferson [Cambia] presents on Solving the…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Session 6: Open Data - OAR Conference 2013

Session 6 of the Open Access and Research Conference 2013 focuses on Open Data. Dr Ross Wilkinson [Australian National Data Service] presents on Better Value for Institutional Research Data Assets,…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Session 5: Perspectives of a Vice-Chancellor - OAR Cconference 2013

Session 5 of the Open Access and Research Conference 2013 was devoted to the Perspectives of a Vice-Chancellor - Professor Bernard Rentier of the University of Liège, Belgium. Prof Rentier is…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Session 2: The State of Open Access: Australia and Asia - OAR Conference 2013

Session 2 of the Open Access and Research Conference 2013 focuses on the State of Open Access in Australia and Asia. Speaker Dr Danny Kingsley [Australian Open Access Support Group] presented on Open…

Owner  G-Library Administrators 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Session 3: Advocacy and Advantage - OAR Conference 2013

Session 3 of the Open Access and Research Conference 2013 focuses on Advocacy and Advantage. Prof Stevan Harnad [University of Southampton, United Kingdom] presents "Open Access: A Short History…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Welcome and Opening Address - OAR Conference 2013

Welcome and opening address at Day 1 of the Open Access and Research [OAR] Conference 2013, held at Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane, Australia. The conference theme is Discovery,…

Owner  Ellen Thompson 0 likes 1 plays 0